Saturday, February 4, 2012

Half-Way Through Blog

In regards to this unit, I think that I have came a long way. I feel that I have a great topic 
for my news article that is more than relevant to the students here at ISU. My rubric is 
complete as well as my sources. I have learned a lot so far in this class. I realized that 
blogs are actually an interesting way to communicate one’s own work and just to 
communicate with others and  view their work as well. It is a very efficient tool and I 
honestly can say that this is the first time I have ever worked with blogs. I have also 
learned how to analyze news articles and how to tell if one is legit and informational. I 
think what really helped was doing in-class exercises, such as analyzing the articles 
from our email with our groups. Along the way, I have also learned how to critique work 
and take notes for my topic correctly. Something that I am still having trouble with is 
organizing notes from articles I have chosen and implementing them into my own 
unique idea. Another thing is how exactly our rubrics should look like and what content 
should be on. I noticed that in our peer review groups we all had a totally different rubric 
outline. I think that I have a great topic for my article since it relates to most ISU 
students and since New Year Resolutions were made just a month ago. I also think that 
I comprehend everything we are doing by reading your blogs or looking at all of our 
handouts, and class slides if I ever get stuck. 

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