Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Trajectories of Literate

1. Began with the concept of New Year resolutions, and spreading the idea of the importance of exercise which is highly recommended for ISU students. Moved out into the world, first of all through a newspaper article, then ilstu emails, posters, just overall spreading its importance through friends as well.
2. I used online newspaper articles to inform me of the production of my own. As well as using an interviewee source for facts and ideas.
3. ISU students read it.
4. More college students at other local colleges and universities since it pertains to them.
5. Students will most likely implement ideas and receive benefits from it in order to become more aware of it.
6. Using our college spread emails, it would be an easy task to send the text to most of the ISU population of students.
7. Text helps support the recreational center on campus, while implying the idea of the fitness classes being available and free! As well as using the recreational center in general.

Researched online newspaper articles, took notes, wrote them out into bullet points for my rubric first, interviewed someone of knowledge on the specific topic and then implemented their quotes into my work, took those notes then edited them into my actual paper in new words. 

Using my notes and took out the most important ideas that would pertain most to ISU students. Took basic ideas that would be easy to follow and easy to understand.

 Distributed to the world from my blog, using ilstu emails to spread around campus overall in order for more unhealthy students, stressed, etc., students to exercise more in their free time. In other words, to an extent, to persuade students to live longer, healthier lives especially during their college years.

Students could take the information and show other friends or people the importance of exercise.Take the text from my article and help make new plans for themselves.

Did an interview for my article as well as looked online for the importance of exercise newspaper articles.

Listened to music in order to help me focus. My dogs were barking which annoyed me, so I had to go to Milner and focus on my own.

Talked with peers to get positive feedback on my article, as well as my interviewee. Used online internet sources to retrieve information.Socialized with what is expected with writing news articles since it is a new genre for me.

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